Have you been searching the internet for answers to your wrist or hand pain? Did you search for magnet therapy and get many offers to sell you something but not the answers to your questions?
I am a massage therapist with concentration on pain problems and I help people with pain like yours every week. Because I am limited in how far I can go and how many people I can put my hands on; I started writing on the internet to give others answers. This article will concentrate on hand and wrist pain but if you have other pain locations they may be covered in other articles.
The problem with hand and wrist pain is that the muscles that move the hand and wrist are located mostly far up in the fore arm. Applying a magnet to the point of pain may not aid the cause of the pain developing though it may help some of the pain at the site.
First, before explaining how to treat wrist and hand pain, I will explain what you can expect the magnets to do. I do not believe magnets directly effect pain. What I do believe is that magnets effect the water that is the basis of cellular and body function. If you understand the effect of a magnet on water you will better understand how to use magnets for therapy.
What a magnet does to water
A magnet exerts force at the electron level. therefore a magnet changes water by speeding up the electrons in the water molecule. This changes the water from a structure that is like spaghetti to one that is more like spaghetti-Os. This structure is more usable by the cells and the processes that your body uses for repair and nerve muscle coordination.
Therefore you want to use a magnet to help your body repair the cause of pain not the pain itself. Pain is your body’s message to your mind that you should do something different. You want to listen to your pain and take appropriate action. This is where you may need an experienced therapist to help to explain what your pain is trying to tell you.
Usually hand and wrist pain is caused by muscles fighting each other. For example a sudden strain on one muscle can set off a counter strain in the apposing muscle and this does not get canceled and may persist for decades. A more specific example the muscle fibers that bend a finger and straiten it may be pulling constantly on one side bending a joint [scientific name arthrose] sideways, this causes an irritation [scientific name itus] I am not allowed to put the italicized words together because it is a diagnosis but I think you can figure it out.
A painful finger joint can be helped by a ring of 1/8 inch magnetic spheresbut at the same time you need to treat the muscle imbalance on the top and bottom of the fore arm. This can be done with a disc magnet held in place with an elastic band. Strong neodymium magnets may be obtained relatively inexpensively on the internet now. I recommend 1/4 inch thick because thiner ones tend to shatter too easily. I apply self adhesive Velcro hooks on the positive side of the magnet so that dose not slip out from under the elastic. it can also be held in place by placing a steel washer on the outside of the fabric. You may need the assista